how to install geometry_msgs on raspberry pi
can someone show me how to install geometry_msgs on raspberry Pi 2?
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can someone show me how to install geometry_msgs on raspberry Pi 2?
Download common messages from here: and place it in src folder. Then run catkin_make in your workspace. It will install all common message type including geometry_msgs. If you only want geometry messages then download the geometry_msgs folder.
Thanks for this useful answer. On RPi, this worked for me. In my /home/pi/catkin_make_ws/src folder, I cloned the entire common_msgs repo with following
cd ~/catkin_make_ws/src git clone cd .. catkin_make
Much more straightforward than trying sudo apt install ros-geometry-msgs, rosinstall, rosdep (I'm a complete newbie to ROS, so these commands are mysterious to me)
Much more straightforward than trying sudo apt install ros-geometry-msgs, rosinstall, rosdep (I'm a complete newbie to ROS, so these commands are mysterious to me)
that's not ROS, that's Debian / apt
package management.
And rosinstall
should not be needed if you already used apt
Asked: 2017-03-01 17:47:33 -0500
Seen: 6,009 times
Last updated: Jun 26 '17
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What is your operative system? I encountered lots of problems for raspbian and switched to ubuntu mate 14.04 and everything worked like a charm
I have Raspbian Jessie. But having many issues getting packages install. I'll use Ubuntu Mate. Thanks