Dynamic footprint support
Hello @David Lu
My robot runs on four tracks whose angle can be adjusted during runtime. To account for the change of the robots' footprint, I use the dynamic recunfigure callback mechanism by calling the /move_base/global_costmap/set_parameters and /move_base/local_costmap/set_parameters services, passing a new footprint string.
My problem is that each footprint change while move_base navigation is active causes the costmap of the obstacle layer to be reset, i.e. all obstacles that so far have been detected are deleted and the costmap is re-initialized empty.
Edit: Removed part of the original question text as I discovered that parameter footprint_clearing_enabled has nothing to do with the observed behavior.
As I discovered myself by now, the reason for the observed behavior is that by using the dynamic reconfigure mechanism to adjust the footprint during runtime is that the callback Costmap2DROS::reconfigureCB() each time it is executed first deletes and then re-instantiates the mapUpdateLoop thread:
delete map_update_thread_;
map_update_thread_ = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Costmap2DROS::mapUpdateLoop, this, map_update_frequency));
Hence, the content of each layer is reset. The solution I have come up with is to add a DynamicFootprint service to Costmap2DROS, that only updates the footprint:
bool Costmap2DROS::cbDynamicFootprint(DynamicFootprint::Request &req, DynamicFootprint::Response &res)
if (req.footprint_str != "")
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> new_footprint;
if (makeFootprintFromString(req.footprint_str, new_footprint))
ROS_ERROR("Invalid footprint string from dynamic reconfigure");
return true;
This seems to be working, and allows me to adjust the robot footprint during runtime without loosing the costmap data. Do you have a better idea? Is it worth creating a pull request so others can benefit form this change, too?
Regards, Heiko
Can you clarify what you mean by reset?
Changed the original question, see above.
Hi, I realize this point is a bit older, but I've been looking into making some parameters of the navigation stack dynamic, is there anywhere I could look at your solution? Thanks!