In ROSJava,how can i transform the 'odom' frame to 'map' frame?
I want to transform the 'odom' frame to the 'map' frame,but i do not know what i will do? In RosJava i saw a class "Transform".
package org.ros.rosjava_geometry;
import geometry_msgs.Pose;
import geometry_msgs.PoseStamped;
import org.ros.message.Time;
import org.ros.namespace.GraphName;
import org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Quaternion;
import org.ros.rosjava_geometry.Vector3;
public class Transform {
private Vector3 translation;
private Quaternion rotationAndScale;
public static Transform fromTransformMessage(geometry_msgs.Transform message) {
return new Transform(Vector3.fromVector3Message(message.getTranslation()), Quaternion.fromQuaternionMessage(message.getRotation()));
public static Transform fromPoseMessage(Pose message) {
return new Transform(Vector3.fromPointMessage(message.getPosition()), Quaternion.fromQuaternionMessage(message.getOrientation()));
public static Transform identity() {
return new Transform(, Quaternion.identity());
public static Transform xRotation(double angle) {
return new Transform(, Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Vector3.xAxis(), angle));
public static Transform yRotation(double angle) {
return new Transform(, Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Vector3.yAxis(), angle));
public static Transform zRotation(double angle) {
return new Transform(, Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Vector3.zAxis(), angle));
public static Transform translation(double x, double y, double z) {
return new Transform(new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity());
public static Transform translation(Vector3 vector) {
return new Transform(vector, Quaternion.identity());
public Transform(Vector3 translation, Quaternion rotation) {
this.translation = translation;
this.rotationAndScale = rotation;
public Transform multiply(Transform other) {
return new Transform(this.apply(other.translation), this.apply(other.rotationAndScale));
public Transform invert() {
Quaternion inverseRotationAndScale = this.rotationAndScale.invert();
return new Transform(inverseRotationAndScale.rotateAndScaleVector(this.translation.invert()), inverseRotationAndScale);
public Vector3 apply(Vector3 vector) {
return this.rotationAndScale.rotateAndScaleVector(vector).add(this.translation);
public Quaternion apply(Quaternion quaternion) {
return this.rotationAndScale.multiply(quaternion);
public Transform scale(double factor) {
return new Transform(this.translation, this.rotationAndScale.scale(Math.sqrt(factor)));
public double getScale() {
return this.rotationAndScale.getMagnitudeSquared();
public double[] toMatrix() {
double x = this.rotationAndScale.getX();
double y = this.rotationAndScale.getY();
double z = this.rotationAndScale.getZ();
double w = this.rotationAndScale.getW();
double mm = this.rotationAndScale.getMagnitudeSquared();
return new double[]{mm - 2.0D * y * y - 2.0D * z * z, 2.0D * x * y + 2.0D * z * w, 2.0D * x * z - 2.0D * y * w, 0.0D, 2.0D * x * y - 2.0D * z * w, mm - 2.0D * x * x - 2.0D * z * z, 2.0D * y * z + 2.0D * x * w, 0.0D, 2.0D * x * z + 2.0D * y * w, 2.0D * y * z - 2.0D * x * w, mm - 2.0D * x * x - 2.0D * y * y, 0.0D, this.translation.getX(), this.translation.getY(), this.translation.getZ(), 1.0D};
public geometry_msgs.Transform toTransformMessage(geometry_msgs.Transform result) {
return result;
public Pose toPoseMessage(Pose result) {
return result;
public PoseStamped toPoseStampedMessage(GraphName frame, Time stamp, PoseStamped result) {
return result;
public boolean almostEquals(Transform other, double epsilon) {
return this.translation.almostEquals(other.translation, epsilon) && this.rotationAndScale.almostEquals(other.rotationAndScale, epsilon);
public Vector3 getTranslation() {
return ...