catkin_make looking for src/src/
Hello I am new about ros and c++.
I am doing some school project with raspberry pi3 and ros. My professor recommend this. I install the ros kinetic based on ubuntu mate. I try to install the hokuyo laser which is I only got for slam.
I am downloading the source and try to catkin_make
in my src
folder.(is it right?)
However they are showing this.
The specified source space /home/kangr/ros_catkin_ws/src/src
does not exist
I have no idea what i have to do. please help me.
kangr@kangr:~/ros_catkin_ws$ ls
build devel src
kangr@kangr:~/ros_catkin_ws$ cd src
kangr@kangr:~/ros_catkin_ws/src$ ls
CMakeLists.txt driver_common urg_node
kangr@kangr:~/ros_catkin_ws/src$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/kangr/ros_catkin_ws/src
The specified source space "/home/kangr/ros_catkin_ws/src/src" does not exist
kangr@kangr:~/ros_catkin_ws/src$ printenv | grep ROS
If you're really just starting out, I recommend you pick up one of the books about ROS. One that I've heard is good for beginners is A Gentle Introduction to ROS. You can buy a copy of Amazon, or download it from the website. Support the author, buy a copy.
If you're more of a video person: try these.
Thanks I will read it.