mapviz: local WMTS for tile_map plugin problems [closed]
I am trying to build a local tile map server for the tile_map plugin, so I can navigate and show my husky robot in the map at where no internet is available. I followed the link here to build a tile map server:
I was able to see my map in a browser when typing 'http://my-server-ipt' after following the instructions in the link above. I was also able to see the tile of a world map in the browser when typing 'http://localhost/osm_tiles/0/0/0.png'. Everything described in the above link works! The problem is, when I launch the mapviz.launch, select 'tile_map' plugin and choose 'Custom WMTS Source', in the Base URL, type 'http://localhost/osm_tiles/{level}/{x}/{y}.png', nothing shows. I tried change the first part of Base URL into http://localhost , and so on, none of them works. I am thinking maybe I need to do some additional steps after following the above link? I am new to the map server thing, please help!
Actually, if anyone knows how to build a local WMTS for mapviz and give some instructions will be great!
I posted an even easier way to setup a local WMTS server for MapViz:
Awesome! It's what I am looking for. I was able to get the the OSM work, but had hard time find satellite tiles. Your solution solved my problem! Thanks!