Source data types for navigation stack (PointCloud or PointCloud2?)
I have been looking for information about the navigation stack and I am a bit confused. In the "Setup and Configuration of the Navigation Stack on a Robot" tutorial it is said:
"the "data_type" parameter should be set to LaserScan or PointCloud depending on which message the topic uses"
while in the changelist 1.3 it is said:
"The navigation stack now supports the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message which should allow it to be used directly with many PCL filters and nodelets. As a result of this, sensor_msgs/PointCloud support becomes slightly less efficient because a conversion must take place."
Also, I have found some people answering recent questions about data_types saying that they should be either LaserScan or PointCloud, even though the changelist is already a bit old (2010).
I have a velodyne sensor in V-REP that publishes in PointCloud2 so, I am wondering if I can directly add the sensor setting the data_type to PointCloud2 or if I really need to convert the point cloud.
I have tried it, but I get a few errors and I want to discard some options to get it to work.