how to find distance and angle b/w each points in a point cloud and the Kinect sensor
Question : how to find distance and angle b/w each points in a point cloud and the Kinect sensor?
Details : Using the code provided in ROS PCL tutorial I subscribed to sensor message and generated a point cloud. Now I want to know how to find out the distance and angle b/w the point in the point cloud and the camera. There is a misconception that point (x,y,z) in which z gives the distance from the camera to a point. If anybody got a solution, please post the answer in detail.
If nobody answers your question, it's likely that either nobody knows, or that the people that do know haven't seen it. It's not like we're purposefully ignoring you.
In any case: could you please revert the edit to your question and post what you have now as an answer? Then accept your own answer.