How to validate [x,y,z] in .pcd file?
A stereo camera setup has been realized using 2 usb cameras. The pointcloud is being generated as /stereo/points2 topic(using stereo_image_proc). When I generate a pcd file using the command rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd, I get a pcd file with a lot of Nan values. Pls answer the following questions related to pcd -
- Is it Ok to get many Nan values for [x,y,z]? Or is there a problem with calibration ( has been used)?
- For a given frame, how to know the origin (0,0,0)?
- Are the [x,y,z] values we get in pcd file in meters?Is it the real world distance of each point from the camera frame?
- We have got erroneous results for z values. What might be wrong? (We are checking it with known depth values)
Thank You