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rosbridge and web server over the internet

asked 2016-03-18 08:49:48 -0500

rastaxe gravatar image

I have rosbridge server running on a robot and a linux web server running on another network. My question is: what is the right way to connect the rosbridge node with the web server? I was thinking about ssh tunneling. Is this the right way? Thanks.

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answered 2016-03-20 18:54:23 -0500

rtoris288 gravatar image

Clients such as a web browser will talk directly to rosbridge using something like roslibjs. The web server is only responsible for severing the client the webpage, it does not need to talk directly to rosbridge, only the client browser will. Therefore, the IP and port 9090 of the rosbridge server on the robot must be available to the client.

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Thanks for clarification. I have to solve the visibility issue, from the client to the rosbridge server.

rastaxe gravatar image rastaxe  ( 2016-03-21 04:51:39 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-03-18 08:49:48 -0500

Seen: 1,351 times

Last updated: Mar 20 '16