Youbot hello world example not executing [closed]
Hello Everyone,
I started to control my youbot with youbot API wrapper, I installed the ros_indigo_youbot_ros_interface as instructed. Though I can run the roslaunch youbot_driver_ros_interface youbot_driver.launch and keyboard teleop but when I try to rosrun youbot ros hello world it shows error as shown below.
rosrun youbot_ros_hello_world youbot_ros_hello_world
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named youbot_ros_hello_world below /home/youbot/catkin_ws/src/youbot_ros_samples/youbot_ros_hello_world
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/youbot/catkin_ws/src/youbot_ros_samples/youbot_ros_hello_world*
I have sourced the catkin workspace in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. The package youbot_ros_samples is in the catkin_ws/src folder. I am running ROS Indigo on ubuntu 14.04.
Any ideas why I am not able to rosrun the package.
Did you run the
. devel/setup.bash
command aftercatkin_make
in yourcatkin_ws
folder?Yes, I tried that too and it was still giving the same output "Couldn't find executable"