Load map to map_server from MatLab
Hi, the situation is the next:
We're using a robot to map the indoors of an entire building, and to do that, we use an external 3D sensor. The sensor is on board a mobile robot able to navigate autonomously in the building given a map. So, the map that the robot needs to navigate and to take the sensor to the next position, is obtained in MatLab through several processing of the 3D point cloud from the sensor.
I'm using the new Robotic Systems Toolbox from MatLab to communicate with my robot in ROS, to retrieve information and to give information. In the robot there's enough nodes launched to allow the autonomous navigation, like the map_server (that's the key), the localization and the path planning.
The question is, is there a way to init the map_server without an argument (like an empty map) and be able to write the map from MatLab into the topic each time I get a new map? I've tried to publish my map from MatLab into the map topic, but the map_server overwrites the data inmediately. Maybe I need another node in ROS, only to receive the data from MatLab and able to write this data into an image which I can provide to the map_server node.
If there's something not clear just let me know and I'll try to explain in more detail. Thanks!