run time error using SBPL Lattice Planner in ros indigo

asked 2015-05-26 11:31:05 -0600

Naman gravatar image

updated 2015-05-26 20:58:09 -0600

Hi all,

I am using SBPL Lattice Planner in ROS Indigo and everything compiled properly (after making few changes). Then when I run

roslaunch sbpl_lattice_planner move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch

everything works properly and stage ros opens with the robot at the correct position, Then I start rviz by rosrun rviz rviz, and give the goal using 2D Nav Goal. After that the following output keeps on coming without the robot moving:

[ INFO] [1432600586.357672923, 143.800000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ INFO] [1432600586.447204700, 143.900000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ INFO] [1432600586.546493098, 144.000000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)

and eventually I get the following error:

[ INFO] [1432600588.048375362, 145.500000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ INFO] [1432600588.160869342, 145.600000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ WARN] [1432600588.346855985, 145.800000000]: Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (3.000000m).
[ INFO] [1432600588.450904679, 145.900000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ WARN] [1432600588.660570038, 146.100000000]: Rotate recovery behavior started.
[ INFO] [1432600588.781886073, 146.200000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
[ WARN] [1432600588.946002511, 146.400000000]: Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (1.840000m).
[ INFO] [1432600589.045098352, 146.500000000]: [sbpl_lattice_planner] getting start point (2,1) goal point (3.25532,4.08245)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
  what():  vector::_M_fill_insert
[move_base_node-3] process has died [pid 3116, exit code -6, cmd /home/namankumar/catkin_ws/devel/lib/move_base/move_base __name:=move_base_node __log:=/home/namankumar/.ros/log/df5955d0-033e-11e5-9d40-6036dd3a80a4/move_base_node-3.log].
log file: /home/namankumar/.ros/log/df5955d0-033e-11e5-9d40-6036dd3a80a4/move_base_node-3*.log

and everything stops. I tried to debug and it seems like sbpl_lattice_planner is not able to generate the correct path (although the path length is 77 (for example) but all the points are (0,0)) and eventually gives an error std::length_error (when the path length is -148313242 which is so strange).
Does anyone have any clue why is this happening? Please let me know if you need more information from my side. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Naman Kumar

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You've revised this question 6 times without adding any useful new information; probably just to push it to the top of the answers list. Please do not do this.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2015-05-26 21:50:29 -0600 )edit