Using the estimated robot pose from robot_pose_ekf with amcl
Hi all,
I am using robot_pose_ekf to fuse data from Wheel encoders and IMU to estimate the 3D pose of the robot. Then, I am using amcl to take care of odometry drift and finally the move_base package does the navigation. I am generating the odom message of the type nav_msgs/Odometry
from the wheel encoders which is used by the base_local_planner. I know robot_pose_ekf provides odom_combined to base_link transformation which is used by amcl.
My question is once robot_pose_ekf fuses the data from wheel encoders and IMU and generates the estimated 3D pose of the robot of the type geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped
on the topic robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined
, how and where is this output used in the navigation package as a whole (move_base or amcl)?
Thanks in advance.
Naman Kumar