Xtion doesn't work on ROS indigo
roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch camera:=camera depth_registration:=true load_driver:=true publish_tf:=true
shows the following:
... logging to /home/krist/.ros/log/26516c56-d4e7-11e4-863b-bcee7b784f87/roslaunch-pan-hnu-2867.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://pan-hnu.local:41836/
* /camera/camera_nodelet_manager/num_worker_threads: 4
* /camera/depth_rectify_depth/interpolation: 0
* /camera/driver/auto_exposure: True
* /camera/driver/auto_white_balance: True
* /camera/driver/color_depth_synchronization: False
* /camera/driver/depth_camera_info_url:
* /camera/driver/depth_frame_id: camera_depth_opti...
* /camera/driver/depth_registration: False
* /camera/driver/device_id: #1
* /camera/driver/rgb_camera_info_url:
* /camera/driver/rgb_frame_id: camera_rgb_optica...
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.10
camera_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
depth_metric (nodelet/nodelet)
depth_metric_rect (nodelet/nodelet)
depth_points (nodelet/nodelet)
depth_rectify_depth (nodelet/nodelet)
driver (nodelet/nodelet)
points_xyzrgb_sw_registered (nodelet/nodelet)
rectify_color (nodelet/nodelet)
register_depth_rgb (nodelet/nodelet)
camera_base_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link1 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link2 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link3 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2879]
setting /run_id to 26516c56-d4e7-11e4-863b-bcee7b784f87
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2892]
started core service [/rosout]
process[camera/camera_nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [2895]
process[camera/driver-3]: started with pid [2896]
process[camera/rectify_color-4]: started with pid [2897]
process[camera/depth_rectify_depth-5]: started with pid [2898]
process[camera/depth_metric_rect-6]: started with pid [2899]
process[camera/depth_metric-7]: started with pid [2900]
process[camera/depth_points-8]: started with pid [2901]
process[camera/register_depth_rgb-9]: started with pid [2902]
process[camera/points_xyzrgb_sw_registered-10]: started with pid [2933]
process[camera_base_link-11]: started with pid [3014]
process[camera_base_link1-12]: started with pid [3041]
process[camera_base_link2-13]: started with pid [3067]
process[camera_base_link3-14]: started with pid [3082]
[ERROR] [1427504999.237676059]: Skipping XML Document "/opt/ros/indigo/share/camera1394stereo/camera1394stereo_nodelet.xml" which had no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.
[ INFO] [1427504999.254993443]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1427505000.433668375]: Device "1d27/0601@3/4" found.
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...
process[camera/depth_rectify_depth-5]: started with pid [5475]
process[camera/depth_metric_rect-6]: started with pid [5489]
process[camera/depth_metric-7]: started with pid [5503]
process[camera/depth_points-8]: started with pid [5517]
process[camera/depth_registered_rectify_depth-9]: started with pid [5531]
process[camera/points_xyzrgb_hw_registered-10]: started with pid [5545]
process[camera_base_link-11]: started with pid [5559]
process[camera_base_link1-12]: started with pid [5605]
process[camera_base_link2-13]: started with pid [5619]
process[camera_base_link3-14]: started with pid [5630]
As you can see above, the error occurs:
Skipping XML Document "/opt/ros/indigo/share/camera1394stereo/camera1394stereo_nodelet.xml" which had no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.
I cd to the directory and found no such file, so I downloaded the file from github and put it there.
setting /run_id to 4c371232-d4eb-11e4-82f8-bcee7b784f87
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7709]
started core service [/rosout]
process[camera/camera_nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [7726]
[ INFO] [1427506779.632020419]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
process[camera/driver-3]: started with pid [7747]
process[camera/rectify_color-4]: started with pid [7763]
[ INFO] [1427506779.706106656]: Device "1d27/0601@3/4" found.
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might ...
message likely has nothing to do with youropenni2
problem.I don't know why these two packages are related, maybe it's because xtion has mutiple cameras.