This information should be located in the /tf
topic. What I used to select the header frame and child frame is:
- subscribe to the
topic, your callback function will get a message of the type tf::tfMessageConstPtr
let's call this message msg_in - msg_in will have information such as (See tfMessage.msg):
- geometry_msgs/TransformStamped transforms
- std_msgs/Header header
- string child_frame_id
- geometry_msgs/Transform transform
- geometry_msgs/Vector3 translation
- geometry_msgs/Quaternion rotation
You are interested in the translation and rotation components so you can access them with:
- msg_in ->transforms[i].transform.rotation.(x, y, z, or w)
- msg_in ->transforms[i].transform.translation(x, y, or z)
Where i
is the number of the transform message. You can store them in a tf::Quaternion
and a tf::Vector3
respectively. Here is a portion of an algorithm that can help you:
#include "tf/tf.h"
#include "tf/tfMessage.h"
void tfCB(const tf::tfMessageConstPtr msg)
//Go through all the tf frame information and select the one you are interested in
for(int i=0; i < msg->transforms.size();i++){
if (msg->transforms[i].child_frame_id == "/name_of_your_child_frame"){
cout << "Msg Size: " << msg->transforms.size() << endl;
cout << "Header Frame: " << msg->transforms[i].header.frame_id << endl;
cout << "Child Frame: " << msg->transforms[i].child_frame_id << endl;
cout << "Transform: " << endl << msg->transforms[i].transform << endl;
cout << "Vector3: " << endl << msg->transforms[i].transform.translation << endl;
cout << "Quaternion: " << endl << msg->transforms[i].transform.rotation << endl;
tf::Matrix3x3 Rotation;
msg->transforms[i].transform.rotation.y, msg->transforms[i].transform.rotation.z,
tf::Vector3 traslation;
traslation = tf::Vector3(msg->transforms[i].transform.translation.x,
double roll, pitch, yaw;
Rotation.getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll);
tf::Matrix3x3 RotationYPR;
sub_tf = nh_.subscribe("/tf",100,&Marker_info::tfCB, this); //the call back function belongs to a struct called Marker_info. The idea is to show you the subscriber. You can change this to fit your code.
As you can see, you will store the rotation and translation information in a matrix and a vector that complies with the tf format. You can convert them using tools like tf::VectorTFToEigen
Hope this helps. Good luck!