rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph does'nt work [closed]
i've been trying to run the rqt_graph but i always get this error: [rospack] Error: stack/package rqt_graph not found. i've run $ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rqt but when i run $ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rqt-common-plugins it gives me an error saying i have defected packages. i've tried everything i could find about this subject and i still can't manage to make it work. if some1 has already benn through this problem i'd appreciate it if u could help. thanks alot
Can you copy-paste the error you're seeing instead of summarizing it? Without seeing the exact error it's hard to give any suggestion.
try installing with aptitude "sudo aptitude install ros-hydro-rqt-common-plugins" , you need to install aptitude first " sudo apt-get install aptitude"