Sicktoolbox_wrapper not compatible with sick lms111? [closed]
Hello, I have a sick lms111 laser scanner that I am trying to set up with ros. After some research online, I have found the sicktoolbox and the ros sicktoolbox wrapper, and I would like to use these if possible to interface with my device because I have no idea how to write these kind of drivers/wrappers by myself. I installed sicktoolbox from here: , and tried to use this tutorial to configure it properly: .
Then, I installed the sicktoolbox wrapper (using sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-sicktoolbox-wrapper), and am trying to follow this tutorial to use it with my device: .
However, when I try to run the line in section 1.6:
rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms,
I get the error:
sickLMS2xx::_setupCOnnection - unable to open serial port error: initialize failed! are you using the correct device path?
At this point I noticed that the error says sick lms 2xx, and i am using the sick lms 1xx. Is this the problem? If not, will this be a problem in the future? It seems weird to have a package that is only compatible with the 200 versions of sick LMS scanners and not the 100 versions, since I imagine they're remarkably similar. However, if this really is the case, does anyone know of any other way for me to interface with my lms111 through ROS?
Thanks a lot,