Where are the grapsing package for ROS?
I know moveit provide it. Is there any else? I want to try more and compare. Thank you~
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I know moveit provide it. Is there any else? I want to try more and compare. Thank you~
MoveIt is a motion planning framework not a full manipulation solution. That said, I would recommend that you check out moveit_grasps as one option. Alternatively, I would recommend you look into GPD. There are a number of projects floating around that use that library with MoveIt including one from the TAMS-group and a ROS2 GPD + moveit project from Intel.
You may also want to explore moveit_example_apps which has a pick and place application in it that uses MoveIt.
Asked: 2014-06-03 19:37:52 -0500
Seen: 339 times
Last updated: Nov 12 '19
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