call nodeHandle->advertiseService
i try to advertise my service, but i am not able to compile.
Here is my msg file:
string sourceRobot
float64 x
float64 y
My srv file:
map_merger/pointFromRobot inputPoint
map_merger/pointFromRobot outputPoint
And here are the cpp parts according to the Service:
in map_merger.h:
map_merger::pointFromRobot transformPoint(map_merger::transformPoint::Request req);
in map_merger.cpp:
map_merger::pointFromRobot transformPoint(map_merger::transformPoint::Request req)
map_merger::pointFromRobot returnValue;
return returnValue;
in the Constructor the advertiseService is called (that does not work), here is the code:
nodeHandle = new ros::NodeHandle("~");
ros::ServiceServer service = nodeHandle->advertiseService("transformPoint",&MapMerger::transformPoint,this);
regard peter