Turtlebot path planner fails with added plugin [closed]
EDIT: After recent trials, this question which my coworker has posted more fully describes this situation.
I am working on navigation with a Turtlebot and have added a costmap layer that adds a lethal obstacle at all points that have been 1 metre in front of the robot. I added the plugin for this layer in the turtlebot_navigation package parameters, such that when AMCL runs, this layer is added to the costmap. I then launch AMCL (roslaunch turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch map_file:=(path to map)/map.yaml
, and Rviz displays the costmap with the added lethal obstacle. However, when I try to send a 2d nav goal (using either a node or with Rviz), it plans a path but does not execute the path. When I run a node to send a goal, I get "waiting for result" until I cancel it. In Rviz, the path is displayed, but the robot does not move (neither the real robot nor the Rviz robot). How can I successfully send 2d nav goals with this layer added?
The code for the layer I added is from this tutorial.
ROS Hydro, Ubuntu 12.04, Turtlebot 2
Thank you.
max_obstacle_height: 0.60 # assume something like an arm is mounted on top of the robot
obstacle_range: 2.5
raytrace_range: 3.0
robot_radius: 0.1875
inflation_radius: 0.50
# voxel map configuration; z-voxels 0 are filled by bumpers and 1 by laser scan (kinect)
map_type: voxel
origin_z: 0.0
z_resolution: 0.2
z_voxels: 2
publish_voxel_map: false
observation_sources: scan bump
scan: {data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true, min_obstacle_height: 0.25, max_obstacle_height: 0.35}
bump: {data_type: PointCloud2, topic: mobile_base/sensors/bumper_pointcloud, marking: true, clearing: false, min_obstacle_height: 0.0, max_obstacle_height: 0.15}
global_frame: /map
robot_base_frame: /base_footprint
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 2.0
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
width: 4.0
height: 4.0
resolution: 0.05
transform_tolerance: 0.5
robot_radius: 0.1875
global_frame: /map
robot_base_frame: /base_footprint
update_frequency: 1.0
publish_frequency: 0.5
static_map: true
transform_tolerance: 0.5
robot_radius: 0.1875
shutdown_costmaps: false
controller_frequency: 5.0
controller_patience: 3.0
planner_frequency: 1.0
planner_patience: 5.0
oscillation_timeout: 10.0
oscillation_distance: 0.2
# Robot Configuration Parameters
max_vel_x: 0.3
min_vel_x: 0.1
max_vel_theta: 1.0
min_vel_theta: -1.0
min_in_place_vel_theta: 0.6
acc_lim_x: 0.5
acc_lim_theta: 1.0
# Goal Tolerance Parameters
yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.3
xy_goal_tolerance: 0.15
# Forward Simulation Parameters
sim_time: 3.0
vx_samples: 6
vtheta_samples: 20
# Trajectory Scoring Parameters
meter_scoring: true
pdist_scale: 0.6
gdist_scale: 0.8
occdist_scale: 0.01
heading_lookahead: 0.325
dwa: true
# Oscillation Prevention Parameters
oscillation_reset_dist: 0.05
# Differential-drive robot configuration
holonomic_robot: false
max_vel_y: 0.0
min_vel_y: 0.0
acc_lim_y: 0.0
vy_samples: 0
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/3dsensor.launch">
<arg name="rgb_processing" value="false" />
<arg name="depth_registration" value="false" />
<arg name="depth_processing" value="false" />
<arg name="scan_topic" value="/scan" />
<!-- Map server -->
<arg name="map_file" default="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/maps/willow-2010-02-18-0.10.yaml"/>
<node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(arg map_file ...
I think that your
is careless miss. This isn't an true solution. is it? I mean the correct description is for example,map_file:= /tmp/map.yaml
.Thank you for your reply, but "map.yaml" was just an example, I was using the command with the absolute path to the map.
I can't tell you a clear answer, because I have not tried the plugin yet. I think you should check a part of "waiting for result" in a source and It is a clue.
You are working with the costmaps in move_base, right? Could you update your question with all the configuration files (yaml and launch) relating to move_base.
I've added all the files I thought to be relevant, please let me know if there are any others. Also, I have noticed that sometimes the goals work if I reboot the laptop and robot, but not always.
It is move_base related question. please update the tags. So the navigation and move_base experts can see.
So do you still want this question answered, or are you pursuing a solution at the other question you linked to?
This question incorrectly models my situation, I will therefore close it.