footstep_planner model problem [closed]
Hi, i'm new in ROS. I'm trying to start with footstep_planner. According footstep_planner and Getting-Started tutorials install all packages that we need. Then i'm running rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping
for Fixed Frame /map, ~/naoqi-sdk-1.14.5-linux32/naoqi --verbose --broker-ip
and LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/naoqi-sdk-1.14.5-linux32/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH NAO_IP= roslaunch nao_driver nao_driver_sim.launch
then roslaunch nao_description nao_v4_publisher.launch
for viz NAO as NAO Getting-Started tutorial say. After all this manipulation run roslaunch footstep_planner footstep_planner_complete.launch
. And all run without problem. But when i'm adding robot model i see model made of cylinders, also i can't move this model out of corner. Also there is some problem with planner. When path already done map sometimes lose texture or exit with error. How can i get model like in footstep_planner video and how to move this model to the start point?