How to locally allow object/gripper collision in electric ?
A) I ran into some trouble when trying to check robot states for validity in a collision aware grasping scenario.
It seems like one can publish a collision_object on the /collision_object topic and the planning scene will show this object and additionally cut the shape out from the collision_map. (This however does not always seem to work, it could however be that rviz is the problem when it comes to displaying the changed state.)
But now, when i run a state validity check similar to what is in the pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials, this seems to give the collision_map a reset and the cubes created by the object are back in the collision map.
Adding the object in the planning_scene_diff request as collision_object doesn't seem to help either: I still get collisions in the area of the object with collision_map and not the object, so the object seems not to be cut out. (If i would get collisions with the object and not the map, i could then additionally disable collisions with it via a CollisionOperation).
What am I overlooking?
B) On a related topic: how can i get the collision free ik to work with the desired state?
It seems like the query via planning_scene_diff alters the environment state used by the collision free ik service (*), is it also possible to use the service with different environent states concurrently?
It seems like the paradigm of checking state validity locally does not yet affect the coll. free ik service yet, is this functionality planned to be or already available like checking state validity?
(*) i can for example allow the gripper to collide with the collision_map globally.