Odometry Information Source
I'm trying to generate odometry information following this tutorial. I am using a robot like this one - build with phidgets and with a Kinect mounted.
My problem is that I don't have a speed-source for the robot. It does not have a stepper motor or encoder and the actual speed depends on many factors (laptop weight, floor type, battery state, ...). Seems like this is my best shot for now (Obtaining nav_msgs/Odometry from a laser_scan (eg. with laser_scan_matcher)). Is vslam worth trying with kinect? Is there any other possibility? Am I missing something?
Edit: it's quite pointless. I can say that the robot moves with fixed speed x and it kind of works but the next issue is the yaw angle - I don't have a gyro and laser_scan_matcher estimations are not very accurate.
For me it means: gmapping won't work without a good odometry source.