Learning to write a gazebo plugin... where to start? [closed]
Hi, I'll try and be blunt:
My goal is to code what is left to build a simulator using ROS and Gazebo for the Lego NXT. Over the last weeks months I've been trying to learn as much as I could of how does ROS work, focusing on the tutorials that are available on the wiki.
Right now I'm trying to understand how gazebo plugins work, but I'm trying to achieve that by following the PR2 tutorials (and the plugins that are behind them), and they (plugins, not tutorials) seem to be too complex for me to understand them and write my own.
Back on September Tully Foote gave me a link with an example plugin (create_plugin) that I'm looking into right now, but I don't really know what does it actually do, so it's difficult for me to understand it.
Of course, I've tried (without luck) to find answers to my questions on this pages first, so any help will be welcome. Meanwhile I'll keep trying by myself :)
Thanks, Miguel.