load ocTree file to octomap_server [closed]
At the moment I am trying to load a .ot file into octomap_server by running the command "rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node filename.ot".
The octree file is generated by the RGB-D SLAM package (missing link because of karma). I record a room, then stop the recording and select octomap->save octomap and save the file. It opens in octovis, but when trying to load it into octomap_server I get:
ben@Ben-laptop:~$ rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node map.ot
[ INFO] [1391604046.373768218]: Publishing latched (single publish will take longer, all topics are prepared)
[ERROR] [1391604046.426317762]: Could not read OcTree in file, currently there are no other types supported in .ot
[ERROR] [1391604046.426390233]: Could not open file quicksave.ot
I want to use this map later on to do localization and motion planning with a UAV.
Can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong, or what is going wrong? Many thanks!
It might be a bit late. However, where you able to solve your issue? I am able to load a self-recorded octomap as you do.