transform Laser Scan To PointCloud
Dear people,
I want to transform laser to point cloud and then see it in rviz.
I have the following code hokuyo_listener_cu.cpp
I have also a tf_broadcaster.cpp that broadcast a transformation from base_link to base_laser.
when I run hokuyo_listener.cpp I get the error:
what(): Frame id /laser does not exist! Frames (3): Frame /base_laser exists with parent /base_link. Frame /base_link exists with parent NO_PARENT.
Here I have difficulties to really interpret the function
transformLaserScanToPointCloud("base_link", *scan, cloud, tfListener_);
1.-How base_link shall be declare?
2.-and how tfListener_ will get the tf transform?
well, maybe are a very basic questions, but well, I dont get it :) any help will be appreciate it :)