Question about Remapping
According to the tutorial of "Using rqt_console and roslaunch", in the node of "mimic" of package "turtlesim", it remaps the topics "/input/pose" and "/output/command_velocity" by just remapping "input" to "/turtlesim1/turtle1" and "output" to "/turtlesim2/turtle1", which i.e. just remaps the base name of the topic rather than the global name.
However, it seems this method fails to work for the node of "turtle_teleop_key". In the launch file, I remap the topic "turtle1/command_veolcity" by remapping "turtle1" to "turtle2", but the topic lists still show "turtle1/command_velocity". When I fix the launch file by remapping "turtle1/command_velocity" to "turtle2/command_velocity", the topics lists finally show the change.
Can someone know figure out the difference between the base name and global name when remapping topics?
Thanks a lot