gmapping slam map shrunk
My maps are shrunk.....:( I've been working on this for a while > week
This is fairly typical of what is happening, except this time the whole map is shrunk. It starts off ok, the first few metres look great then there's a scan a match and a portion usually the top north west end of the corridoor shrinks from almost 2.70 to less 2.0 and the whole map starts to change.
Been playing with slam options not much joy.
I posted a screen grab on google docs as not only is my flat shrinking I have no karma either.....what a day!
I'm using cturtle, on arm lucid and a base PC under maverick
I have a small issue with magnetic influences as I'm using a compass, but as you can see from the scans fairly straight lines along the corridoor by hook or crook but the compass error is less +- 5 degrees
odom looks ok, error is about 10cm over 8.3 M doing the trig on the broadcast odom
The laser ( ummm sorry, a PML sharp 20-150 cm ir range finder on a 180 degree 1 degree step servo) The laser data looks reasonable to me. I'm scanning every 40 to 50 cm from a halted position
I think there may be some issues with the laser going into and out of shadows which I can work it seems to cause a sweep at the longer range of a wall at an acute angle.
The sharp it's fairly accurate about +-1cm < 100 1.0 -1.5 about +- 2.5 but often better, of course depends on the surface angles etc....that's with filtering and curve fitting not the typical linearisation technique
I have a small issue with magnetic influences as I'm using a compass, but as you can see from the scans fairly straight lines along the corridoor
The features are ok in the undecayed scan points
I've tried lots of slam options, not sure about how to guestimate stt str srt srr or actual what they are.
output of gmapping slam
-maxUrange 1.5 -maxUrange 1.5 -sigma 0.05 -kernelSize 1 -lstep 0.05 -lobsGain 3 -astep 0.05 -srr 0.1 -srt 0.2 -str 0.1 -stt 0.2 -linearUpdate 0.02 -angularUpdate 0.5 -resampleThreshold 0.5 -xmin -25 -xmax 25 -ymin -100 -ymax 25 -delta 0.05 -particles 120 [ INFO] [1314266203.037209866, 1314264197.070439983]: Initialization complete update frame 0 update ld=0 ad=0 Laser Pose= -0.00781462 0.0184101 1.97222 m_count 0 Registering First Scan update frame 1 update ld=0.539888 ad=0.174533 Laser Pose= -0.118015 0.546932 1.79769 m_count 1 Average Scan Matching Score=89.0036 neff= 118.987 Registering Scans:Done update frame 2 update ld=0.519974 ad=0.0174533 Laser Pose= -0.248544 1.05026 1.81514 m_count 2 Average Scan ...