Loading 2D raw data
Hello, I've obtained a 2D map from another development environment, how could I load/display/manipulate (in gazebo/rviz) this set of 2D points. Thank you.
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Hello, I've obtained a 2D map from another development environment, how could I load/display/manipulate (in gazebo/rviz) this set of 2D points. Thank you.
I think the simplest way is to write your map to a .pgm file. I guess a simple program can do it. It has to map the occupied points to black pixels (value=0), the free points to white pixels (254) and unknown points to gray pixels (205).
Then you can use the map_server package to publish it to rviz with the command: rosrun map_server map_server mymap.pgm
If you set the fixed frame as "/map" in rviz, you should see your map.
Hope this helps,
Asked: 2011-03-31 01:03:45 -0500
Seen: 3,028 times
Last updated: Mar 31 '11