Making the robot go straight on an empty map [closed]
This is a sequel to this question .
My big problem is: I need to get the robot , whose configuration files are given in the question above, to traverse a distance of around 20 m in a straight line (or a close approximation to it), through move base. To this end, I gave an empty map here in its map server. I also changed the config files given in the earlier question, where appropriate, to have a large map like this:
static_map: true
rolling_window: false
width: 2000.0
height: 2000.0
resolution: 5
origin_x: -10.0
origin_y: -10.0
My understanding is that this provides a large static map of size 2000*2000 divided into grids of size 5 m on a side. I also disabled rotate recovery by setting recovery_enabled to false. I am publishing constant, large values (around 100) in /scan's intensities and ranges, like given in the tutorial.
When I run the launch files and send a navigation goal of (20,0) [ the robot starts at (0,0)], move_base spends a long time in rotate recovery and avoiding collisions. This is true even for small goals , say (2,0). I can't figure out why. Further rostopic echo /move_base_node/navigation_local/obstacles gives cells= []. My rviz doesn't work, hence I had to resort to this. I don't know whether the png map I gave in the map config files has to be filled with particular values - I'm dumping the png here for what it's worth.
What I'd like to know is how to have a huge, 100% empty map, no obstacles at all, so that move_base just goes blindly straight ( in a consistent way, time after time) to the target, and spends no time at all avoiding obstacles. I am willing to change any map params or config params (except velocity and acceleration thresholds) to achieve this.