Very heavy platforms in Gazebo
Hi all!
I'm trying to simulate a very heavy four wheeled platform in Gazebo. My target weight is 45 tons, however, I actually achieve to simulate "stably" 35 tons. I followed ODE manuals and I tried to implement some of the tricks they give to simulate such platforms. For example, I split the whole platform into several smaller bodies that are connected with fixed joints, to reduce mass ratios between bodies. In addition, I also played with some parameters as Error Reduction Parameter (ERP) and Constraint Force Mixing (CFM). In general, if I don't make joints soft enough, Gazebo crashes. But when I simulate >35 tons platforms, joints are so soft that the platform penetrates the ground and cannot be used. I cannot find any good solution.
Does anybody have any clue about how to simulate those kinds of platforms? Which ODE parameters are crucial and how they should be fixed?
Thanks in advance!