observation buffer has not been updated
Hi folks,
There is one node publishing PointCloud type sensor messages to 10 different topics (e.g. /B0/motion_planner/pointcloud/map_state) at 60Hz. And there might be 10 nodes(one for each robot), subscribed to the corresponding sensor message.
There is a transform_broadcaster inside this node that publishes all sensor messages which broadcasts the transforms of the /field to each robot's base link such as /B0/motion_planner/base_link at a rate of 60Hz.
PointClouds are published with the frame id of "/field", which is already set with the parameter "sensor_frame" correctly (checked it by rosparam get).
I can visualize the sensor messages and transforms in rviz. And if "All topics" is clicked on the rxgraph GUI, I can see that the sensor messages are connected to the motion_planner nodes that each one contains a Costmap2DROS object(if "All topics" is not clicked, it can't show the connection, don't know why).
When I run a motion_planner, I get the following warning: The /B0/motion_planner/pointcloud/map_state observation buffer has not been updated for X seconds, and it should be updated every 0.03 seconds. Which keeps showing up, hence X gets larger and larger.
Nothing changes, if I call the updateMap inside the while loop manually. It seems costmap object doesn't receive the pointcloud msg. Because it says in the docs that it automatically subscribes to the sensor topic and updates the sensor information by itself.
I also set the frame_id, seq, and stamp before publishing the PointCloud message.
Any help would greatly be appreciated...