Goals and Navigation in dynamic maps using GMapping
Hello Everyone,
Lately I've been experimenting on using the navigation stack without the mapserver, and using GMapping for the generation of a map via Online SLAM, with very good results (although sometimes a little CPU intensive).
I was wondering how could I refer to a point the robot has visited in the past, when the map is continually changing. Here is an example of my question:
Suppose I am giving my robot a tour of the office (he doesn't have a prior knowledge of its environment). While we tour, at certain positions I will "mark" some place, for example, "this is Ben's desk". After the tour, I would like to be able to tell the robot to go to Ben's desk.
I am not sure how I could manage to do that if the map is continually changing, in size, orientation, etc. Is there a way that doesn't rely exclusively on odometry?
Thanks in advance. All ideas are welcome :)