wiimote WallTime problem
I'm not capable of running the wiimote_node.py by using a very simple launch file:
<!-- joy node -->
<node respawn="true" pkg="wiimote" type="wiimote_node.py" name="wii" output="screen"/>
I get the following error:
process[turtle_wii-1]: started with pid [8703]
Press buttons 1 and 2 together to pair (within 6 seconds).
(If no blinking lights, press power button for ~3 seconds.)
No Bluetooth interface found
[FATAL] [WallTime: 1301480233.413341] No Wiimote found to pair with.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/joystick_drivers/wiimote/nodes/wiimote_node.py", line 1201, in <module>
rospy.rospy.loginfo("Exiting Wiimote node.")
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'rospy'
[turtle_wii-1] process has died [pid 8703, exit code 1].
However it works when doing:
$ rosrun wiimote wiimote_node.py
It looks like an issue with the rospy WallTime