bullet euler angle methods
What exactly are the differences between:
- getEulerZYX/setEulerZYX
- getEulerYPR/setEulerYPR
- getRPY/setRPY
EDIT: I'm looking at bullet (and the ROS patches).
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What exactly are the differences between:
EDIT: I'm looking at bullet (and the ROS patches).
These were discussed in this meeting
The methods are documented in the headers. However, I see the doxygen docs are not generating correctly at the moment so I'll copy them here:
get/setRPY is recommended
/**@brief Set the quaternion using fixed axis RPY
* @param roll Angle around X
* @param pitch Angle around Y
* @param yaw Angle around Z*/
void setRPY(const btScalar& roll, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& yaw)
get/setEuler is defined as follows:
/**@brief Set the quaternion using Euler angles
* @param yaw Angle around Y
* @param pitch Angle around X
* @param roll Angle around Z */
void setEuler(const btScalar& yaw, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& roll)
get/setEulerZYX is deprecated due to being ambiguous in different implementations:
/**@brief Set the quaternion using euler angles
* @param yaw Angle around Z
* @param pitch Angle around Y
* @param roll Angle around X */
void setEulerZYX(const btScalar& yaw, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& roll) __attribute__((deprecated))
Asked: 2011-03-23 05:24:50 -0600
Seen: 1,463 times
Last updated: Mar 23 '11
Can gazebo_ros actually use bullet?
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