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Issue with .pc files, Libs rendering incorrectly

asked 2013-10-21 05:20:09 -0500

duffany1 gravatar image

updated 2013-10-21 05:20:54 -0500

I am using osc / OpenSUSE OBS to build RPM packages of catkin for OpenSUSE. In my .spec file, I am doing something like this (for example, with the message_generation package):

%setup -q -c -n workspace
mv * message_generation
mkdir src
mv message_generation src

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr catkin_make_isolated --install

The issue I am currently having is that the way the code is written for catkin, my message_generation.pc file in the workspace/install_isolated directory looks like this:

Description: Description of message_generation
Version: 0.2.10
Libs: -L/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/workspace/install_isolated/lib 
Requires: gencpp genlisp genmsg genpy

I would like Libs to be -L/usr/lib, where I am planning on moving the lib directory, but instead, I am seeing that build environment path, which shouldn't happen. How can I go about doing this?

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-01-15 13:38:44 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

You need to use the --install-space argument to install into /usr/lib instead of the default install_isolated.

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Asked: 2013-10-21 05:20:09 -0500

Seen: 341 times

Last updated: Jan 15 '14