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Moving a robot in rviz

asked 2013-10-15 05:19:30 -0500

Arn-O gravatar image


I would like to move the robot in rviz, from left to right, from front to back, etc. I understand that rviz is linked to a reference frame, so this does not look easy.

Is there a way to do this in a clean way?

I can still create 2 orthogonal and planar prismatics joints, but the robot model needs to be modify.

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-10-15 10:45:36 -0500

dgossow gravatar image

You just need to write a node that publishes a transform from some virtual link (e.g. "world") to your robot (e.g. "base_link"), and set the fixed frame in RViz to "world". If you need interaction, take a look at Interactive Markers.

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Thx for your answer. Could you tell me a little bit more about this transform publisher? Is it related to TF? TF seems to be designed to convert coordinates between frames, not to move them. I may be wrong since a huge piece of software.

Arn-O gravatar image Arn-O  ( 2013-10-16 10:34:27 -0500 )edit

I'm talking about tf, which is designed to handle moving coordinate frames. See the tutorials for further explanation:

dgossow gravatar image dgossow  ( 2013-10-16 10:56:18 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-10-15 05:19:30 -0500

Seen: 4,911 times

Last updated: Oct 15 '13