ROS2 Moveit multiple robots with different namespaces

asked 2023-07-28 03:59:20 -0500

krws gravatar image

Hello, I am trying to make a simulation in which, using moveit, I control several robots at once. I created whole configuration using Moveit Setup Assistant and wrote controllers so i can control one robot with no big issues. Right now I am trying to run just one robot in a namespace by launching generated by moveit setup assistant After making few changes in ros2_controllers.yaml controllers and simulation launches correctly, but when I try to execute trajectory from GUI in rviz i recieve: [move_group_interface]: MoveGroup action client/server not ready. Then I tried to execute trajectory from code by running node in namespace I reveived: [moveit_ros.robot_model_loader]: No kinematics plugins defined. Fill and load kinematics.yaml! even though kinematics.yaml of the robot is linked in the launch file.

My goal is to have one robot urdf and launch simulation when there will be multiple robots in different namespace so there will be no need to do extra coding for moving every robot -> just running motion planning node in corresponding namespace. I want the position of each robot to be set by specyfing static transfom in launch file for every robot. Has anyone tried to do this in ROS2, is it even possible?

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