hector package problems
I have ros hydro full and I installed the hector_slam package with the command
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-hector-slam
I then tried to follow the tutorial but I had several problems.
when I try the command "rosmake hector_slam" I get multiple errors like this:
"[ rosmake ] WARNING: The stack "hector_geotiff" was not found. We will assume it is using the new buildsystem and try to continue..."
I think it does not work because in the end it says:
"[ rosmake ] Built 0 packages with 0 failures."
I continued the tutorial after this because I have no ideia on what to do, and I did the command
"roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch"
It gives me the following error:
"while processing /opt/ros/hydro/share/hector_geotiff/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch: Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/opt/ros/hydro/share/hector_geotiff/launch/geotiff_mapper.launch'"
I really lost now. I can't even start the tutorial.
thx so much for the help.