Configuring frame rate of Asus Xtion Pro Live
I want to stream my camera feed to a webpage currently using mjpeg server, but the bandwidth at the moment is a tad bit high, so I'm trying to reduce the size of the stream.
Is it possible to change the frame rate to something lower? I'm using the default (640 x 480 @ 30 Hz), and I was wondering if it is possible to reduce the frame rate to something like 15 Hz? The resolutions currently available, as far as I know, are:
SXGA_15Hz - 1280x1024@15Hz
VGA_30Hz - 640x480@30Hz
VGA_25Hz - 640x480@25Hz
QVGA_25Hz - 320x240@25Hz
QVGA_30Hz - 320x240@30Hz
QVGA_60Hz - 320x240@60Hz
QQVGA_25Hz - 160x120@25Hz
QQVGA_30Hz - 160x120@30Hz
QQVGA_60Hz - 160x120@60Hz
I don't really want to reduce my resolution to 320x240, and I'd love it if there was something between VGA and QVGA (maybe something like 480x360), but I don't think its possible to just create my own resolutions, right?
Is there any way around this at all, or is this constrained by the hardware?