I recently took over maintenance for rosdoc_lite
, but am not yet familiar with the code. Please bear with me while trying to figure this out.
Doxygen is invoked with a template file that sets CALL_GRAPH = NO. I don't see any option for overriding that template file or replacing it with one of your own. Some variables, such as FILE_PATTERNS, can have per-package values defined in rosdoc.yaml
, but CALL_GRAPH is not one of them.
The comments immediately before recommend enabling caller graphs only for selected functions, using the \callergraph
command. Is that an option for you?
UPDATE: the main purpose of rosdoc_lite
is automatically generating documentation for packages listed on the ROS wiki or similar destinations. The main reason for running it locally is to check updates to those docs before committing them.
If your documentation goals differ, running Doxygen directly may make more sense.
Are you running rosdoc_lite locally, or via the ROS wiki doc server? Is there an on-line link to your package's docs?
I get graphs of header file includes: http://ros.org/doc/hydro/api/camera1394/html/dev__camera1394_8h.html Is that what you want?
yes locally, this header graph i get too. I want a call graph for function that i see which function he is calling like this http://www-scf.usc.edu/~peterchd/doxygen/
I only have to modify my config doxygen file but i dont not how i can do this when i am using rosdoc_lite CALL_GRAPH = YES Generate a dependency graph for functions and methods.