How to solve 'No such file or directory' with turtlebot.urdf.xacro? [closed]
I use ROS groovy with ubuntu 12.04 64 bits.
I run:
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-arbotix
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-turtle*
svn checkout <a href=""></a> ros-by-example-read-only
svn co <a href=""></a>
git clone <a href=""></a>
git clone <a href=""></a>
My error msg:
sam@sam:~$ optirun roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch
... logging to /home/sam/.ros/log/5a05cdf4-080a-11e3-8d63-a2199492dd3d/roslaunch-sam-11486.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/xacro/", line 35, in <module>
File "/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/xacro/src/", line 539, in main
f = open(args[0])
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/turtlebot/turtlebot_description/urdf/turtlebot.urdf.xacro'
Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/xacro/ '/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/turtlebot/turtlebot_description/urdf/turtlebot.urdf.xacro'] returned with code [1].
Param xml is <param command="$(arg urdf_file)" name="robot_description"/>
sam@sam:~$ roscd arbotix
roscd: No such package/stack 'arbotix'
sam@sam:~$ rospack profile
Full tree crawl took 0.072243 seconds.
Directories marked with (*) contain no manifest. You may
want to delete these directories.
To get just of list of directories without manifests,
re-run the profile with --zombie-only
0.048648 /opt/ros/groovy/share
0.016395 /opt/ros/groovy/stacks
0.012935 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp
0.012788 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp/ros
0.004122 * /home/sam/code/pcl_overlay/devel_isolated/pcl/share
0.004033 * /home/sam/code/pcl_overlay/devel_isolated/pcl/share/doc
0.003936 * /home/sam/code/pcl_overlay/devel_isolated/pcl/share/doc/pcl-1.7
0.003864 * /home/sam/code/pcl_overlay/devel_isolated/pcl/share/doc/pcl-1.7/tutorials
0.003607 * /home/sam/code/pcl_overlay/devel_isolated/pcl/share/doc/pcl-1.7/tutorials/sources
0.002695 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/doc
0.002575 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/doc/pcl-1.6
0.002534 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/doc/pcl-1.6/tutorials
0.002351 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/doc/pcl-1.6/tutorials/sources
0.001592 /home/sam/code/ros_groovy/src
0.001518 /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/pr2_object_manipulation
0.000950 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp/ros/moveit_msgs
0.000835 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp/ros/std_msgs
0.000835 /home/sam/code/ros_groovy/src/download
0.000757 * /opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp/ros/control_msgs
0.000720 /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/navigation
sam@sam:~$ optirun roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch
... logging to /home/sam/.ros/log/9f9153de-080a-11e3-a906-a2199492dd3d/roslaunch-sam-11729.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/groovy ...
Closed for the following reason
question is not relevant or outdated by
close date 2017-11-30 13:11:21.051901
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