Turtlebot Indigo Neato XV-11 ASUS_3dCam SLAM_maping

asked 2016-10-22 21:01:40 -0500

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updated 2016-10-23 09:22:33 -0500


Can anyone give me an pointer for how to integrate neato XV-11 LIDAR on turtlebot setup for SLAM. Have used the debs Installation for Turtlebot. Want to use the LIDAR together with my ASUS 3d cam. Neato node is installed in catkin_ws/src folder. Its been tested and run smooth. Have also finished hector SLAM tutorial with neato xv-11. http://meetjanez.splet.arnes.si/2015/... Have found this hydro tutorial for Hokuyo http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot/Tutoria... . Can I do similar and add Neato XV-11??

Need some info, pls help me out :)


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