Commanding "MoveIt!" with a pad
Hi all!
After a long time with Fuerte, I decided to migrate to Groovy with the idea of taking advantage with "MoveIt!" and other new packages. I want to point out that, I'm quite happy with the new functionalities, but I don't understand the catkin change...however, maybe this "problem" disappear when I'll get used to. ;)
Regarding my question, I implemented with Fuerte and KDL the Cartesian/Euler control of a 6-degree arm, controllable via keyboard and pad. I got the initial position of the final effector, and I move that with the joystick making little increments and passing them to the IK solver, that returns me each joint position for that final effector pose.
Currently, I'm trying to get the same effect with "MoveIt!" but I don't reach it. I found the "moveit_commander" package, and I tried to use them as interface, passing them little increments in each direction, but the solver is too slow (takes between 0.4-1.3 seconds) and it makes long queues of petitions, failing in the 95% of the chances. Could you give me any idea to get the desired effect?
Thanks in advance!