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cannot add erratic urdf in gazebo

asked 2013-07-25 00:14:47 -0600

Javier J. Salmerón García gravatar image

updated 2013-11-18 19:32:57 -0600

tfoote gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I am using gazebo 1.9 with ROS Groovy. I want to add an erratic robot in the willowgarage world. In order to do so I have the follwing launch file:


  <!-- We resume the logic in empty_world.launch, changing only the name of the world to be launched -->
  <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
    <arg name="world_name" value="worlds/"/> <!-- Note: the world_name is with respect to GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH environmental variable -->
    <arg name="paused" value="false"/>
    <arg name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
    <arg name="gui" value="true"/>
    <arg name="headless" value="false"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="false"/>

<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/ $(find erratic_description)/urdf/erratic.urdf.xacro" />

<node name="spawn_urdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-param robot_description -urdf -model erratic" />


This example file worked perfectly with pr2, but when I launch it I get the following error:

[rospack] Error: stack/package smart_arm_description not found
[librospack]: error while executing command
[FATAL] [1374747130.949047781]: Package[smart_arm_description] does not have a path
[spawn_urdf-4] process has finished cleanly

I cannot find this smart_arm_description package, can someone help me?

Thank you in advance

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did you find any solution? i am also facing the same issue.

Zee-Q gravatar image Zee-Q  ( 2013-07-29 15:52:32 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-07-29 19:22:46 -0600

Zee-Q gravatar image

updated 2013-07-30 08:30:29 -0600

Hi, This issue is resolved by removing following lines from materials.urdf.xacro file located in erratic_description/urdf.

<material name="GunMetalBrushedAluminum">
    <texture filename="package://smart_arm_description/Media/materials/textures/gun_metal_brushed_aluminum.jpg" />

However, The erratic robot still doesn't get spawned in gazebo. Everything goes alright just like PR2 tutorial but not sure whats the problem. I asked this question on gazebo community here you can follow it.

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Asked: 2013-07-25 00:14:47 -0600

Seen: 866 times

Last updated: Jul 30 '13