the right way to install openi-kinect
I just brought a kinect and wanted to the rgdbslam I download the SensorKinect-Bin-Linux64-v5.0.1.32.tar.bz2 and installed it. after that I issued "roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch" and I got the following error messages
enter c[camera/depth/metric_rect-9] process has died [pid 24153, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/nodelet_core/nodelet/bin/nodelet load depth_image_proc/convert_metric /camera_nodelet_manager --no-bond image_raw:=image_rect_raw image:=image_rect __name:=metric_rect __log:=/home/benzene/.ros/log/7b10089a-cf1e-11e2-a66b-001e33286433/camera-depth-metric_rect-9.log].
does anyone knows what's going on ? please teach me how to install the kinect driver in the right way. thanks!
did you try using apt-get? the packages are ros-groovy-openni-camera and ros-groovy-openni-launch, or fuerte respectively
yes, I did !