Can't Install ROS on MacBook Pro with OS 10.8.3 [closed]
I am having trouble installing ROS on my MacBook Pro with OS 10.8.3. My first try was using homebrew. The problem seemed to start when I couldn't install ogre in the 'resolving dependencies' stage. I can't post the output of the command: rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro groovy -y; insufficient karma. Essentially, it fails when trying to install ogre: homebrew: command [brew install ogre] failed. I then tried to execute the command: ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install. I got errors here as well.
I then tried to install using MacPorts and I am having other problems. Is either of these methods preferred? Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.
Please provide the full error output so we can help you. Brew is recommended.