How to convert point cloud without RGB field to depth image ?
ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte
I want to convert sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 message to sensor_msgs::Image and the point cloud does not have the RGB field. It only has X Y Z fields.
I saw the CloudtoImage tutorial and when I tried to run it needs the RGB field, or else its resulting in error.
The point cloud is from kinect and I saw depth_img_proc nodelet which uses the camera parameters to convert the depth image to point cloud.
I want something which exactly does opposite to that using the camera parameters.
Is there anything which is already implemented ?
how are u getting the point cloud, are u using a kinect, or stereo-vision? Because you can usually get both. PointCloud2 is coloured and point cloud is uncoloured
I get the kinect point cloud, then extract some keypoints of PointXYZ using PCL. Now I want to get the corresponding u,v positions on the depth image of the original pointcloud. Thus I converted the PCL PointXYZ to sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 .I m struck on how to find corresponding u,v on depth image