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Project stopped being able to build

asked 2013-05-25 21:00:27 -0500

rocklobster gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:16:38 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I have an ROS node project which I am developing using Eclipse. I have been able to build the project for some time, but tonight after updates were installed, the project is broken. I found one issue, which was the change from drcsim-2.5 to drcsim-2.6. I changed the include path in the eclipse properties, then did project->index->rebuild. However, I still get the errors below. In addition, when I run rosgui, all of the python based plug-ins are grayed out, whereas these worked previously. I have a custom python plugin which still works, because I manually set the path to my project. Finally, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH used to include a large number of packages, but now it only includes the packages I add. All of this suddenly stopped.

Has rosbuild and the use of ROS_PACKAGE_PATH been discontinued in the most recent update?

I would appreciate anyone's help as to how get back to being able to build my project.


Rosgui now shows all the plugins like normal. This was apparently an error from starting it before I started the ros master. Also, after reading the error message a few more times, I see that rospack is reporting it can't find atlas_msgs. My manifest.xml file refers to this and several other drcsim related packages. Rospack is able to find regular ros packages such as roscpp or geometry_msgs, but it doesn't see any of the drcsim specific packages that I need to be able to call the the required message types. I double checked my project include paths, and also found the need to update from gazebo-1.7 to gazebo-1.8, but all the other paths still appear to be intact. When I first discovered this problem, the #include line for atlas_msgs/AtlasSimInterfaceState.h was broken, saying it couldn't see this file. This problem was fixed when I updated the include path from drcsim-2.5 to drcsim-2.6. If this corrected the ability to see the file to include it, why can't the compiler see atlas_msgs?


I decided to try closing eclipse, and manually add the drcsim-2.6 package to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, but in the command window where I started eclipse, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH contains all the ros packages. I don't know why they appear in this terminal window, but not the others. I run the startup scripts for drcsim in the .bashrc, so I would thing any terminal window would show the same. I start eclipse using bash -i -c eclipse.


I had to update the C/C++ Make Project Environment variable for ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. It was still full of references to drcsim-2.5. I deleted the previous contents, and pasted in the path variables posted below, and was able to build successfully.

Here is my result for echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

rick@field:~/catkin_ws$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
/home/rick/ros_ws/:/home/rick/ros_ws:/usr/share/osrf-common-1.0/ros:/usr/share/drcsim-2.6/ros:/usr/share/sandia-hand-5.1/ros:/usr/share/drcsim-2.6/ros:/usr ...
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answered 2013-05-25 22:05:25 -0500

rocklobster gravatar image


I had to manually update the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH data in the project properties under C/C++ Make Project->Environment.

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Asked: 2013-05-25 21:00:27 -0500

Seen: 185 times

Last updated: May 26 '13