Gscam cannot find plugins
Hello, i am trying to run gscam to send images using webcam and pandaboard. I have succesfyllu installed ros groovy robot distribution on pandaboard using ubuntu 12.10. When i try to run gscam i get this message:
stream is PAUSED.
[ INFO] [1367231465.122704640]: Successfully read camera calibration. Rerun camera calibrator if it is incorrect.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'image_transport::Exception'
what(): No plugins found! Does `rospack plugins --attrib=plugin image_transport` find any packages?
When I try to run rospack plugins --attrib=plugin image_transport
, I get:
compressed_image_transport /root/robot_ws/image_transport_plugins/compressed_image_transport/compressed_plugins.xml
compressed_depth_image_transport /root/robot_ws/image_transport_plugins/compressed_depth_image_transport/compressed_depth_plugins.xml
theora_image_transport /root/robot_ws/image_transport_plugins/theora_image_transport/theora_plugins.xml
image_transport /root/robot_ws/image_common/image_transport/default_plugins.xml
The list of available transports looks like this:
Declared transports:
image_transport/compressed (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake compressed_image_transport'.
image_transport/compressedDepth (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake compressed_depth_image_transport'.
image_transport/raw (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake image_transport'.
image_transport/theora (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake theora_image_transport'.
Running rosmake
on plugins completes succesfully, bet the list of transports still say they are not built. Is it possible I am missing some PATH variables linking to compiled plugins? Any ideas?